Mr. Nguyen Anh style
After deployment HNX 30, we continued to develop products traded on the index in order to diversify the products on the market.
On 09.07.2012, the Hanoi Stock Exchange officially put into operation the HNX 30. Our goal when building HNX30 tool is intended to supplement the indicators listed stock market, reflecting the trading of stocks with high market representatives, to help reflect determine market movement. Moreover, we also want to provide investors investment instruments on stock market listing, paving the way to develop products traded on the index.
HNX 30 is the price index of 30 stocks with the best liquidity in the stock market listing of the Hanoi Stock Exchange, the value computed by the market capitalization adjusted volume ratio free shares transfer (free float). Our HNX30 be built based on the price movement of 30 stocks with the most liquidity and market capitalization value of the outstanding shares of freedom is large enough to represent the businesses listed on Hanoi Stock Exchange. Also, the shares are not subject to control, suspended trading for 3 months. Just for 1 time every 6 months, we will conduct a review of the basket components. The shares do not meet the requirements for liquidity and market capitalization will be removed from the basket and replace it with the stock more liquid.
After one year operation, the HNX 30 market has been positively received and confirmed as a representative index for stocks in the market liquidity of listed shares. Trading stocks HNX 30 always high proportion in the market, with transaction value up from 54.3 to 85.25% of the total value traded market, trading volume accounted for 56 0.98 to 80, 88% of the total trading volume in the market.
HNX 30 is considered the basis of the methodology for the calculation of the first and operate other price indicators composite index (HNX-Index). During complement and complete index system of the Hanoi Stock Exchange, we have studied and issued "The Principles of Construction and Management of the stock price index" defined the most common methodology applied for the index effect from 06.24.2013, which provides for removal volume restriction on transfer of shares from the calculated mass index, ensure accurate indicator of the volatility the price of the stock is traded on the market.
In the future, we will continue to develop the system to provide the HNX-market for products indicative market. This year, it is expected we will put on the market two industry indicators, including the selection criteria based on the results of the sub-sector listed companies by industry classification system that HaSIC Hanoi Stock Exchange publication date of 10/01/2012.
After deployment HNX 30, we continued to develop products traded on the index in order to diversify the products on the market. Firstly ETF certificates, a product being investors in the region and the world are very interested. We believe that the addition of product certification ETF will give investors a new investment opportunity when the transactions on HNX participate and contribute to the diversification of new products on the market. Further to the above derivatives such as index futures or index options contract index. We hope this will be the first derivative products traded on the official market derivative securities in Vietnam.
In addition, we will also make appropriate adjustments to the calculation of the composite index current HNX-Index to index most accurately reflect the trading on stock market listing of the Hanoi Stock Exchange according to the principles in the Code of Construction and Management of the stock price index HNX. Specifically, we will apply the principle of limiting the transfer of shares to the HNX Index composite index.
As a market management agencies, the Hanoi Stock Exchange strives to create a level playing field and attractive to investors. With these products and will be put on the market, the Hanoi Stock Exchange hopes to attract the attention of the public and foreign investors. The support of public investment will be the driving force to the Hanoi Stock Exchange continues to implement comprehensive measures in order to improve market liquidity and attract more investors to participate in market transactions.
At the Council meeting in April HNX30 past as well as in the previous council meeting, members discussed and launched many initiatives on the state index, orientation and HNX30 construction of the new index. On the Hanoi Stock Exchange, we appreciate the opinion of the Board members in a common goal of building the HNX index more professional, more useful to investors and the stock market.
Besides the comments of a technical nature and expand complete index, there are many ideas for that, the Hanoi Stock Exchange should periodically assess the effectiveness of HNX30, compare the level of liquidity of the stock HNX30 votes before and after birth, cooperation with the media ... so thus making the image darker HNX30 public, attracts more attention from businesses and investors at home and abroad . Comments are plausible, we would like to acknowledge and be deployed in the near future.
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