Thursday, June 27, 2013

"Will continue to reduce interest rates"

► Ministry of Planning and Investment has launched a number of executive direction of the economy and government ministries ...

 Ministry of Planning and Investment will provide further direction of interest rates at reasonable levels, consistent with the evolution of inflation and macro-economic 

Ministry of Planning and Investment has predicted the last 6 months the situation and the solution needs to focus mainly in operating and managing the economy.

Report to the Government for breakfast 27/6, the Minister of Planning and Investment Bui Quang Vinh said that with the economic developments in the country and the world through time and coming prospects, the growth rate of GDP last 6 months of the country can achieve higher first 6 months of 2012 and the whole year GDP growth could reach the goal of the plan is 5.5%.

The consumer price index in the last months may be higher than a year earlier mainly due to production and business activities gradually recovered, improved purchasing power, a number of goods and services subject to such government management electric hospital ... can adjust prices, the resolution of bad debts in the banking system and real estate market, and the coordination between monetary policy and fiscal policy, ... will support aggregate demand improves.

Maintain industrial production recovery and achieve a higher growth rate in the second quarter of last year. Services continued to grow at a higher growth last year. Difficulties in agriculture and aquaculture will be gradually removed.

For activities - will continue to import vibrant, while export growth will remain higher than planned; imports continued positive changes due to production activities and consumer recovery; rates may rise in the trade deficit in the last months but still within manageable levels. Manufacturing activities, business enterprises will gradually improve, although still difficult.

With that prediction, Ministry of Planning and Investment has launched a number of executive direction of the economy and government ministries.

Specifically, monetary policy, fiscal, will continue operating loan interest rates at reasonable levels, consistent with the evolution of inflation and macro-economy, remove obstacles and create favorable conditions for businesses to access capital, capital flows direction to production with specific solutions to help businesses also continue borrowing prospects for production and business priorities for the agricultural sector, Rural exports.

Executive reasonable credit growth, in line with annual targets, actively implemented credit policy loans to support social housing, commercial housing for low-income earners, difficult to remove difficult for households aquaculture and livestock, consider debt restructuring plans, and maintain secured loan if consumption. Consistent implementation of measures to stabilize the exchange rate to ensure the USD value, contributing to macroeconomic stability. Soon the rules and procedures of buying - sell, export - import of gold.

Along with the project expeditiously restructure credit institutions period 2011-2015. Promoting activities of Asset Management Company (VAMC), contributing to handle bad debt, credit lines opened, promote manufacturing operations, business development, tightly controlled exchange rate, market gold targets, ensure domestic prices closer to the world price of gold.

The ministries should continue to review and adjust mechanisms and policies no longer appropriate, promptly remove difficulties for production and business activities. Implementation of measures to accelerate the construction schedule, the disbursement of capital construction investment, especially in the ongoing project can be completed and put into use soon. To attract and disbursement of FDI and ODA.

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