Monday, June 24, 2013

What is happening is more important


                                                            Professor Martin Loffelholz

 According to Professor Martin Loffelholz, between reflecting objective, honest ongoing issues and forecasting problems can occur, they reflect objective, truthful and timely what is happening is more important.

Professor Martin Loffelholz, Principal Swiss German University in Asia, experts journalism experience in Southeast Asia, sharing DTCK issues related to Vietnam at the press conference "Skills writing financial sector - banks in the context of Southeast Asian economic fluctuations "ANZ Bank held on 19/6.

In Vietnam, there are many website operations such as a press agency and "stealing" copyrighted by the mainstream media. The situation in the world and how he says, do to curb this?

Internet access is now widespread everywhere, the people of Vietnam can read foreign websites and vice versa. Therefore, the problem of piracy or some website without permission, it is very difficult to solve, because if the water is still banned in the website activities overseas are not licensed Vietnam and people can still read the news pages.

In my opinion, there are two solutions to this situation. First, strict censorship of information posted on the website. However, I do not think this solution is really effective, because the necessary information is now open and people have the right to access information much different way. Second, the level of education for the people to read the wide range of information on the identity of any reliable news, trustworthy source. This education should start from the primary level.


Printed newspapers are more competitive by means other mass media, especially the electronic media. He predicts the trend like?

This question is approached in two ways: content and form. In terms of content, the press always need rules like honesty, timely and accurate. Besides all the technical information search, interview skills, selective information, priority information, presenting and organizing information in a logical and easy to read. It is the immutable principles.

On the form, or otherwise transfer information channel, is currently a major change with the advent of the Internet and the advancement of information technology. I think, in the future, people will have access to online newspapers are more like traditional print newspapers. So newspapers need electronic version to the role of expressions of print fade away, the readers have the electronic version to use.


Between reflect objectivity, honesty ongoing problems and issues forecasts, economic trends can take place, according to him, what is more essential for economic journalism works?

Between these two trends, reflecting objective, truthful and timely what is happening is more important. If the forecast should be based on reliable sources analyzed by experts in the industry.


The difficulty for Vietnam's economic reporters today, according to what he is?

The first is to give information, write articles about many topics, but said the economy encompasses a broad subject, which requires journalists to understand that economic topics.

Second, the current economic context can change rapidly, sometimes the information is not positive, it should be handled carefully.

Third, no visibility in the area, though there are many articles on world events. ASEAN is increasingly emerging as a dynamic economic region in the international arena, while also making decisions directly affect people's lives. With the increasing importance of such ASEAN, Vietnam to press reports, more writing, more intensive for the public, especially the DN.


Do you suggest any solution?

Training systems need better journalism. Need to update or supplement journalism skills as well as knowledge of economics, especially those from other majors before journalists. In terms of training and updating skills as a journalist, I would add that, as we reported at the regional and international level, the ability to read English and conduct interviews in English is very important important.

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