Saturday, June 22, 2013

PTL to "beg" shareholder dividend

  PTL paid 4% expected 2011 cash dividend on 10/02/2012, after which date back to 20/6/2012, then moved on 9/20/2012 and continued to day 28 / 6/2013, dated 12.19.2014 followed.

Investment urban infrastructure and oil and gas (PTL - HOSE) has asked back time pay 2011 dividend on 12.19.2014, instead of 28.06.2013 as paid on publication.


The reason is that a number of debt clients have not returned to PTL account promptly as customers' commitment to PTL not arrange funds to pay dividends.


This is the 4th time PTL would "beg" to pay dividends to shareholders. At first, PTL expected return on 10/02/2012, after which date back to 20/6/2012, and 09/20/2012 to date and continue to move on 28.06.2013.


PTL 2011 dividend expected to be paid at the rate of 4%, ie 400 per share. Currently PTL has a charter capital of VND 1,000 billion, corresponding to 100 million shares listed and more than 98.8 million shares outstanding. Therefore, the amount to pay 2011 dividend is expected at about 39.5 billion.


End of quarter I/2013, PTL 429 million hole. At 03/31/2013, PTL has 72.6 billion of cash and cash equivalents, including cash only 2.31 billion.


In 2012, PTL reached 444.3 billion in revenue and nearly 2.6 billion losses. The company does not pay dividend in 2012 which cost 7.9 billion to purchase treasury shares and the remainder transferred to the welfare fund.


2013, aims PTL 793 billion revenue, net profit and 104 billion expected nor dividends.

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